Shame and Fear Busting Fridays – Boys and Friendship

Shame and Fear Busting Fridays – Boys and Friendship

I saw this report on the Today Show about boys in late adolescence being ashamed to have deep friendships for fear of appearing gay, or girly. For the past serveral years my work with Middle School students has primarily been with the girls in 

Racism – A Little Like Brushing Your Teeth

Racism – A Little Like Brushing Your Teeth

I posted this article from the Huffington Post on my facebook wall the other day.  A church in Kentucky has voted to say that everyone is welcome to come to their church, but interracial couples cannot become members. One thing that jumped out at me 

TGIF – Troy Polamalu

TGIF – Troy Polamalu

In honor of Fear and Shame busting Fridays – Here’s a funny video of people getting scared.

Shame and Fear Busting Fridays – Who Are You Supposed To Be?

Shame and Fear Busting Fridays – Who Are You Supposed To Be?

This list of questions has been helpful to me as I work on my own fears.  I came across a similar list in Stronger Than You Think about a year ago, and then again in Fearless Living and most recently in I Thought It Was Just Me.