Children’s Social Principles – The Natural World

Children’s Social Principles – The Natural World

…We affirm the natural world as God’s handiwork and dedicate ourselves to its preservation, enhancement, and faithful use by humankind… – The United Methodist Church, “Social Creed,” accessed October 5, 2016    Materials Visuals Needed A Gym Bag with running things like: running shoes; water bottle or camel 

Children’s Social Principles – Introduction Message – Representing and Becoming More Like God

Children’s Social Principles – Introduction Message – Representing and Becoming More Like God

Wondering what this is all about?  Check out my post from yesterday Wondering what the Social Principles are? Check out this page from Discipleship Ministries Materials/Visuals Needed: Either have physical uniforms, uniform/carreer costumes/or pictures of people in uniforms.  If you use pictures be mindful of 

A Question That Feels Like Love

A Question That Feels Like Love

This summer, when Philando Castile (a black man who looked a little like my husband) was shot. This summer, when Mr. Castile was shot (on a road that my husband and I often drive, close to our apartment and close to his work) by a 

Three Cheers for Bestie

Three Cheers for Bestie

Cheer 1: When I tell her I’m sick she offers to bring me soup. Cheer 2: When she shows up, it’s ok that I’m in my threadbare pajamas and haven’t washed my hair.  We sit on my dirty kitchen floor, in my messy apartment together. 

#OneThingThatScaresYou – Boring Courageous Phone Calls

#OneThingThatScaresYou – Boring Courageous Phone Calls

My body has a physical response to making phone calls. We’re talking racing heart, muscle tension, fight or flight mode – a tiger is about to eat you – that kind of response. My body also has a physical response to the shame that comes 

Fifteen Years Later, I Still Don’t Know How To Remember

Fifteen Years Later, I Still Don’t Know How To Remember

A few weeks ago, my sister treated me to tickets for the Dixie Chicks, at the Minnesota State Fair.  I heard recently that the music we listen to when we are 19 and 20 is the music that resonates most deeply with our souls. “Goodbye 

Where Else to Find My Writing

Where Else to Find My Writing

In addition to my writing here, I periodically share my thoughts on The Salt Collective, a great online magazine edited by my friend Nathan Roberts.  The Salt Collective features some incredible writers exploring faith, politics, and culture.  Explore it. Last month, I published an open letter to 

The Absolute Ordinariness of Beauty

The Absolute Ordinariness of Beauty

  I have been so fortunate in my life to have seen some BEAUTIFUL places. I have toured several chateaux along the Loire Valley; had a snowball fight in July in the French Alps; seen the Mona Lisa at the Louvre and several Van Goghs at the Musée 

Remember Baltimore

Remember Baltimore

I wrote this in 2009 after visiting my friend Rosita in Baltimore. I love that city and am praying for the shalom the total well-being of charm city this week. I would write this post differently today, but regardless, here is what I wrote/thought in