Creativity Tuesday – Macaroni and Kale

Creativity Tuesday – Macaroni and Kale

Food, is one of my favorite ways to be creative.  Especially when I have a chance to feed people.  Cooking for myself is ok, but having people over to sit at the table, to catch up on life, to eat and to laugh is one 

Tuesday Create Day – 750 Words

Tuesday Create Day – 750 Words

One of the most helpful tools for developing my creativity, processing my thoughts and talking to God is to journal. I can sit down with a feeling that I don’t even know how to name, sit down for awhile with a journal, and after a 

Tuesday Create Day – Crayons and Heat

Tuesday Create Day – Crayons and Heat

This idea has been on quite a few blogs lately. like this one, and this one, and this one. But I didn’t have canvas, and I didn’t want my melted crayon art to look just like every body else’s. We’ve been listening to a lot